The (Surprising) Way to Overcome Setbacks and Lose Weight Now

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Maybe we're the first to tell you this...but one is perfect! 

One of our best kept secrets to making progress with quick weight loss is to forgive yourself when you fall off your plan. 

We've worked with literally thousands of people at all of our Journey locations and still, to this day, no one has been perfect, and they STILL got results. 

How? Because they strive for progress, not perfection. 

You are going to miss a workout here and there. You will slip up on your diet. That's life; we are all human. 

When this does happen, you have to forgive yourself. You cannot go back and change the past but you can change the direction of your future. 

Don't wait until tomorrow and don't wait until Monday. If you were driving down the road and discovered you had a flat tire, would you get out of the car and flatten the other 3? Heck no. 

If you get off track 1 day out of the week, why would you sabotage the other 6? 

This step may be the most important piece to the puzzle in order to keep you focused and driving toward your goals. This is often the missing piece. 

That's easier said than done, I know. It takes good old fashioned hard work and discipline. But, what can make this a whole lot less daunting is doing it with a community of like-minded people, and having a game plan. 

If you've never done a program that incorporates nutrition, fitness, and community support, that's the reason you're not getting where you want. 

It's the reason you're frustrated with where you are and what you've tried. It's not your fault. Now you know. Now you can choose smarter.

If you need help managing setbacks, our challenges are a great way to get on track and STAY on track. 

Journey's unique Fast Track program makes jump starting your weight loss a no-brainer.

Forget extreme diets, pass-out-until-you-die exercise, or feeling stuck and alone and jump into our supportive, proven challenge group now!